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Supreme Court

After watching the Supreme Court documentaries that were assigned for us to watch, my eyes were opened up to all of the "behind the scenes" of the Supreme Court. I was able to witness the reality of what really goes on in the Supreme Court when I was watching the video and was really amazed. I learned a lot amount about what the Justices actually do to serve our country. I found the videos to be really interesting and learned a lot from them considering that this field never interested me to begin with. The foundation of politics is the Constitution which is the establishment of the rules and governances for our nation. One of the three branches of our government is the Judicial branch. At the federal level the Judicial Branch means the Supreme Court. In order to become a Supreme Court Justice; one must first be nominated by the President of the United States and then be approved by congress. Due to how tedious it is, it makes it a very difficult and such a political process. In the history of the Supreme Court there have been over 100 justices. John Marshall was one of the most famous and influential Supreme Court Justices ever. He always gave the Supreme Court legitimacy and respect. Through John Marshall's decision in Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court showed how it was an equal branch of congress.

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